Personal Blogs

Monday 1 November 2010


It was a very good halloween party - but I felt a mess! I was a scruffy Bonnie and I thought I made a very good effort - the whole meaning of Halloween is to dress up very scary - and I did indeed look scary. When we arrived there.... many a girl had dressed up as tarty Snow Whites, Army, Princess etc... and there I was - A mess. Blah. Chris told me I looked the best (bless him - but I knew for a fact that my white/grey face/messy make - up/black eyes where a disaster compared to their perfect make - up) Come On!! Halloween means you can can look a mess - surely?? But no - It was Tarts and Vicars night by the looks of it.... okok - enough of that.

I have decided to go on a diet - not because of that incident at the party - but because I can't fit in to any of my clothes :( All courtesy to KFC and McD's etc. My Mam and Myself went for a 45 minute brisk walk and we had a rivitta cracker and cheese with fruit (Not too bad...but I was and still am, craving for a steak) Day One - not too bad.

Also - We watched Back to the Future (classic) and then Paranormal Activities... I didn't sleep a wink last night!! scary stuff!

So Tomorrow I have decided to carry on with the whole dieting and exercising.... see how long this lasts..... argh! I need to get back in to my size 10s by at least Christmas... but oh dear - Christmas=Lots of Food!!!Argh!!

Well - I am very tired and my brain is jam packed full of crazy information. Going to watch a film and then I'm going to sleep!

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