Personal Blogs

Friday 29 October 2010

Bonnie & Clyde

Bonnie & Clyde (vampire style) yes yes I know, everyone seems to be obsessed with vampires at the moment...all thanks to the likes of Robert "that bloke who died in that Harry Potter film" Pattinson - how wonderful (all right all right - I secretly have a soft spot for him and his mysteriousness....)

Enough of that - yes, we (Chris & I...obviously) are going to be Bonnie & Clyde (Not exactly like them though.... now that's going beyond method acting!) I have bought an outfit that sort of resembles the likes of these two:

Here's my own take on it..... Not as fantastic but it's a close call (ish) :)

Hat from Accessorize £10.00
Blouse from Debenhams (Red Herring) Sale £15.00
Shorts from Primark £10.00
Shoes from New Look £49.99
Tights from M&S £5.00

Not sure if I'll wear the shorts again but Ill wear the other stuff again. Shirt to work...possibly. The hat is cute and cosy for cold evenings. Shoes - classic nights out (hmmm....drink + High Heels?? Good idea? erm.... not really - but they look good on though....)

All I need now is a gun (feels strange saying that) and a blonde wig or I could try out a few 1930's hairstyles.

Chris will look gorgeous in a suit and a hat :) Now we need to work on our make-up - meh, let's just hope for the best and see how it goes :P hehe.

Night Night :)

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