Personal Blogs

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Just Engaged. Help Appreciated

I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I's talk about what has happened in the last few months!!
I am now ENGAGED and incredibly happy! I can not wait for the big day :)
We shall be getting married in the month of June in the year 2012 in a lovely welsh Chapel :) Happy days! I'll add some more details in the next blog :)

I am still Temping and to be honest I am fed up of it. A stupid new law is making it VERY difficult for younger women to be employed (incase we get pregnant.....) Unfair :(

Chris is lovely and somewhat daft as per usual (just the way I like him) We are finding it quite hard to save money! We want to save the same amount but Chris is unable to save a lot all thanks to his car... :( But we'd find it very difficult without his car.

Also, we are trying to find a flat/home. Nowhere near getting one to be honest! argh! There's more chance of a pig singing opera.

If there's anyone out there reading this and is able to perform miracles - look our way please!!

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