Personal Blogs

Tuesday 12 January 2010


I would really like a pet. Not sure what though? I've always wanted a cat, but almost everyone I know is allergic to them. Also, they have a nasty habit of running off and having more than one home.... greedy really! Scratching isn't something I enjoy either- and finding cat hair here there and everywhere (and worst of all- for me- on your clothes...especially dark clothing) Sure they're adorable and purr at you lovingly (admitedly only if you're feeding them) .......but nah I don't want one anymore.

What about a dog?? Not a little annoying yappy dog that you can put in your handbag (I will never understand that.....) or a BIG horse of a dog that jumps on you every time you walk through the door and it feels as if you've been thrown in an abandoned pond. I would prefer a Spaniel. (Always been a big fan of Lady & the Tramp) They are lovely dogs.

Yes, I have decided on a dog I think.... (and maybe a cat) Going for walks, playing in the garden, teaching her/him new tricks. Hard work I know- but it would be worth it.

But there's a problem..... I need a place of my own..... and enough money to get a place of my own. A girl can dream. Maybe in a few years or so.


Lady .....(I'm kidding....especially if it's a boy)


Stop it....

Chocolate Droppings


....Ill be more serious

erm..... George

I have no idea- I guess it depends on what it looks like and what not. But it won't be a silly name like "pompom".......unless it did infact look like a pompom.

On a more serious note. Will hopefuly be starting a new post soon- no idea where yet though- it all depends on what they (Temps) have on offer. Fingers crossed.

Right- I am now off to watch a film with Chris.


I'm calling it D.O.G

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