Personal Blogs

Sunday 10 January 2010

Lack Of Sleep & A Runny Nose

My sleeping pattern is all over the place- no idea why!

I'm sure you're supposed to have a reason for lack of sleep- Something on your mind, someone is annoying you and keeping you awake (snoring etc) Something is in your room (spider, moth- I can't stand them!) .... I have no idea why I'm awake until very early hours ( I got to sleep at about 6 last night) Sure, I have a cold but I always thought you slept more when you were not well. So it has baffled me as to why I'm awake this late!

Maybe- without my knowing- I'm worried about something.....
What could it be though?

Well- hopefully I'll figure it out and finaly get some shut eye.

This headache is horrible- paracetamol is rubbish and it isn't working. I should get to sleep... but I can't! what to do, what to do??

Breathing through one nostril doesn't help either....
Concentrating on allowing the other nostril to breathe and when you think you've managed it.... the other nostril decides to be blocked (taking turns to hibernate)

Chris will be here soon- maybe he'll know what to do..... that's what I'm hoping anyway.

Well.... I'm off back to bed to keep warm (Sleeping is pretty much out of the question)

I've spotted some chocolate....



Chris is here and has just informed me that you only breathe through one nostril at a time (they take turns to have a nap)

Why didn't they tell me that at school? or maybe they did and I wasn't listening. ( I was probably more interested in actually breathing through my nose rather than studying it)

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